Built on Yuwibara Country, Plane Creek Provisional School opened the doors to students on August 5, 1897. 15 years later, in 1912, this school became known as Sarina State School. Sarina is a small, rural, coastal town supported by industries including sugar, coal, beef, fishing, railways and a small commercial sector. By and large our parent community works locally in semi-skilled and skilled trades to support those industries and associated services. Sarina State School is a coeducational primary school offering enrolments from Prep to Year 6. It is our school's belief that Curriculum, Pedagogy, Assessment and Reporting are closely interrelated and interdependent and we aim for our students to exit Year 6 with a balanced education that empowers students to meet the demands of secondary education and go on to become productive, contributing community members.
Quality pedagogical approaches is the cornerstone of our school as we all believe, “Every student deserves a great teacher, not by chance, but by design" (Fisher, Frey, Hattie).
At Sarina State School, students are surrounded by possibility and opportunity in many areas of academia, sport, technology, culture, and community responsibility. This environment, coupled with academic excellence, wellbeing and engagement and inclusive education challenges our students to dream big and aim high.
At Sarina State School our vision is to prepare our students with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to participate effectively and achieve their goals in the school community and beyond. At Sarina State School we are committed to providing a safe, respectful, responsible and learning environment for students and staff. Our students and staff have opportunities to engage in quality learning experiences in a positive learning environment through our philosophy of Positive Education, to foster academic achievement, optimal wellbeing and engagement, for students and staff, and create a school where students grow and flourish, through culture and inclusion.
We value Academic Excellence, Wellbeing and Engagement and Culture and Inclusion for all students.
I welcome you to join me on one of our personal campus tours to fully experience Sarina State School and see first hand how our vibrant school and community can truly benefit your student and family.
Yours in education
Miss Emelie Adams