Next week on Tuesday and Wednesday (Athletics Carnival days), we will be running a tuckshop from the hall.
On Tuesday, the tuckshop will be available to senior students (and spectators) participating in sports day. They will be able to purchase a variety of snacks and drinks over the counter as per the menu attached - but no hot food will be provided on Tuesday.
On Wednesday, all students (and spectators) will be able to purchase food from the tuckshop. Hot food, snacks and drinks will be available to purchase throughout the day. On Friday (today), P-2 will be given a brown paper bag and in that bag will be 2 order forms (one for morning tea and another for lunch). They will need this form/s completed with the correct amount of money enclosed and returned to school by 9am on Wednesday. Please write your child's name, Year Level and sports house on the front of the brown paper bag. If you choose to purchase tuckshop for your child at first and second break, the P&C will provide and additional brown bag for second break. If you would like to order chocolate, please write in on the bottom of the form.
Year 3-6 students will be able to purchase food during breaks over the counter - no pre-orders required.